Happiness Booster

An interactive online course on Positive Psychology

Want to learn what it really is that makes us happy and satisfied with our lives?

Want to increase your general happiness level?

 Then this course is for you.

The Happiness Booster course is my personal compilation of resources and impulses that will allow you to:

  • learn about the principles of Positive Psychology,
  • get to know inspiring people and concepts,
  • receive a series of unexpected, uplifting and inspiring nudges directing your focus towards happiness and gratefulness, all of which together will
  • raise your spirits, improve your mood and increase your positive outlook in life!


How does it work?


The course runs on an interactive online learning platform to which you will get individual access. You can work through the course in your own pace.


What's interactive about this?


Well, first of all:
Your active contribution is needed to make you progress through the course. Any upcoming contents will only be activated after you finished the previous ones (called "blinks" on this platform).


In each blink, you have the chance to ask questions to the course administrator (me), leave comments and share your thoughts with your peers.


Sometimes, you will be asked to answer questions by entering free text or clicking some checkboxes.


How much time should you allocate for the course?


The course was designed for a period of 3 weeks, with a little nudge for each day, consisting of one or more blinks. If you work through each new blink on the same day, you will be done in 21 days. But you can also take it more slowly if you don't get around looking into it every day. Then, it will simply take a little longer to complete the whole set.


Typically, you will only need a few minutes to complete any given blink.
Every now and then, I have included TED talks that may take a little longer (20 minutes max.) to watch. But you don't have to watch them immediately - feel free to go back to the respective blink at a later point in time when you have more time.

Voices from participants:


“Sure I'd recommend this course. The format was a little inconvenient for me at the beginning - but after a few days I got used to it - and after finishing the course I think this daily blinks were perfect to deal with.”



“Everybody should work on their level of happiness! There is always room for improvement.”


Write me a note that you would like to take the course, and make me an offer that I cannot refuse on how much you would be willing to invest in it (in terms of Euros). If your offer convinced me, I will activate your personal course access ;-)