SCIEDO® Funding

For Founders


  • are ready to dive into the founding experience and build your own startup?
  • have an idea that has the potential to make a real difference?
  • would like to work with a real expert to maximize your chances for funding and realize your idea more quickly?


Then we should think about joining forces.


Together, we will


• secure intitial funding to develop your idea,

• sharpen your business proposal and develop a business plan,

• raise seed funding, and

• develop a sustainable funding strategy for the years to come.


With my long-standing experience, we will acquire attractive financial support without getting lost in the bureaucracy jungle. From the pre-founding phase up to market entry, I have already helped secure many millions of public funding.


And you can save time and energy for developing your initiative.

How I work


I work on a basis of fairly sharing work, risks and gains.

For best efficiency, I am interested in long-term partnerships and carefully select the enterprises for match of expertise.

For founding concepts and products that inspire me, I am also ready for Work Investments.

Pitch your idea to me

- and gain

Your Funding Angel!